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The Extravaganza

Show us your amazing talents! Be proud of it! You will have 2-4 Minutes to impress, it could be a song, a Bollywood dance, magic tricks, anything! Applause guaranteed!

PowerPoint Karaoke

We have 5 slots for the infamous Power Point Karaoke. The rule? Present a deck of 15 slides that you’ve never seen before as fluently as if it were a pitch. The theme is of your choosing, you just need to make what you see on the slides make sense… Sign up below.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

PowerPoint Karaoke

We have 5 slots for the infamous Power Point Karaoke. The rule? Present a deck of 15 slides that you’ve never seen before as fluently as if it were a pitch. The theme is of your choosing, you just need to make what you see on the slides make sense… Sign up below.

Surprise us…

We’ve seen it all. Magicians. Drones. Karaoke. A stuntman once set himself on fire. What haven’t we seen? If you can show us something genuinely new… there’ll be glory. All ideas below please. 
